Hello Sweet Thangs,
Thank you very much for stopping by to meet me. I truly appreciate your time. I am an American Creole from Honolulu, Hawaii, by way of Las Vegas, with many stops in between. The meaning of Creole is people of mixed racial, religious, and regional cultures. I come from a large strong Matriarchal led family with all manner of food skills represented; from cattle ranchers, farmers, heritage hunters and butchers, classically trained pastry chefs, Cajun small goods makers, and the domestic genius of many, mostly from Louisiana, Texas, Mexico, and California. I have always been deeply embedded in the food business and was raised to fill in any capacity from Smoker to Pickle house.
I married my husband Nicholas in 2008 and moved to lutruwita/ Tasmania. After a few months of trying to settle down and put down roots, I noticed that there was NO scratch made moderate priced goodness. No Diners, No Mexican eateries, No actual BBQ, No HOME. So, I started cooking on a semi-professional basis. Mostly as a way of introducing myself, giving thanks, and showing gratitude to all the people who helped me immigrate and make my place in the community.
Seeing how little understanding of North American culture and foods inspired me. I knew that I was in the perfect position to shine the light on our vibrant and delicious truths. My Grandma Wilma said this is what I was born for. To tell our stories, display the traditions, and articulate the beauty of Americans of color. To demystify southern and island foods with the deftness of gentility and Southern manners. To be the Chatelaine and evangelist for our people. Gramma was very clear on the World’s openness and need for clarity from a person living the old ways in this much more tolerant time. How the opportunity to share our ways was exactly what the world was ready for. After that call was finished, Honey Child was born.
Dedicated to showcasing the foodways, traditions, and delicious bounty of my heritage, I curate and deliver bespoke menus that are always sourced from local, seasonal ingredients. Made in small batches using fresh, natural ingredients, I strive to tell the unvarnished truth of the foods and people who created and inspired these unique menus; as well as exalting those who are committed to culinary excellence in all the glory of its multi-generational forms.
Bringing this depth of delicious to a new community of passionate food lovers has helped me to understand and embrace my new Australian home. Cooking the food of my heritage on local soil is my heartfelt gift to the salad bowl of modern Australian food
2021 will mark my 12th year as ‘Honey Child’. I am busy meeting a new demand for corporate catering; furnishing high-end distilleries, vineyards, and brewery venues with bespoke meals and bar snacks; feeding thousands of guests at boutique festivals and our regular locals from our custom-made food truck. I am developing a new range of pickles, libations, rubs, and confections, and will be supplying these products to local cafes very soon. You can tune into my monthly radio spot for Honey Child’s latest news, recipes and collaborations on art, community and more.
Now, I think we are Radio show & Podcast ready.
Journalist Jane Longhust and podcaster Sarah Mashman think so.
We are Parlour talk ready.
Just ask my creative team co-ordinators, A Published Event.
We are ugly truth delicious result conversation ready.
As celebrated in our brand new visual identity, imagined and created by the legendary Warner Design.
We are food truck ready.
As cheekily captured by Small World Documentaries visionary, Lara Van Raay.
We are BUY the rubs, pickles, libations, and classes ready.
All of our Put Ups are now available to buy from our webshop, beautifully photographed by Peter Horsman.
We are bawdy laughter, cheeky fun ready.
I couldn’t have brought any of this to you, in just this way, without the vision of photographer Jonathan Wherrett.
I know this is a big letter, Y’all I want this romance we are starting to be a lasting one. It seems my words are as generous as my portions. I just wanted you to know who I am and what my will is bent upon.
Thank you so very much for coming by and giving me your time,

You are welcome to contact me by email: honey[at]honeychildscreole.com